
The Beginnings of a Honey-comb Quilt

I've been at work on a honey-comb quilt since late October. While on a visit to the East Coast, I couldn't stand to be without a patchwork project. So hand-piecing was the only solution, and I began paper-piecing these tiny hexagons with templates measuring 1.25" on each side. The flowers are made from all sorts of calicos and reproduction fabrics, with a few modern prints as well, and the background is a creamy Kona solid. 

Despite associations with the Grandmother's Flower Garden design so ubiquitous of the 1930s, interlocking hexagon patterns are among the oldest of quilt designs. In America, several honey-comb quilts survive from the early 1800s, and many English examples date back even further. In 1835, Godey's Lady's Book - the era's authority on fashion and domesticity - featured a pattern for a honey-comb quilt just like mine. 

Needless to say - my quilt has grown quite a lot since I took these pictures. Many more fabrics and colors have come into play, and it covers my lap as I stitch.

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